
Peace on Earth


This was an experiment done with Bing Image Creator. I wanted to find out which images Bing would create with the three simple words "Peace on Earth". 

The image on the left tells you that Bing did quite a great job. Not only did it combine "Earth" and "peace" but it also added the words as text - which is quite a revolution for AI Art Generators. The text itself is perfect.

All in all it produced a nice poster.


Bing Image Creator


I am absolutely fascinated by the quality of images you get with Bing Image Creator. I submitted the following prompt:

Striking, multi-hued crystal formation of a falcon with precise detailing in 3D, and a radiant sheen

And Bing pretty much did what I wanted it to do, as you can see with the image on the left.

However: you only get square images. Up to today I dealt with that problem in two different ways:

1. I uploaded the image to clipdrop.com and clicked on "uncrop" 2. I uploaded the image to limewire as starter image and used the same prompt as I had done with Bing.

Today I discovered https://redketchup.io/image-resizer, uploaded the image above and had it cropped with the aspect ratio of 2:3.

The next step would be to enhance the image. Of course, the image is cropped. But now I could have it printed in portrait format and put it into one of the usual frames.


How to organize your prompts with Google Keep

I also got a category like "sports" in Google Keep!
For quite some time I have been looking for an efficient way to organize the prompts for my AI images. I've got loads of them - some from ChatGPT, some from other AI artists, some of them made up myself. I like to try out the same prompt with different AI Art Generators, and I like to play with prompts, just change a bit there and there. That means I wanted to find a way to get access to them very quickly.

Using notion to store my prompts
In the first months of my AI Artist career this was a quick and efficient way. However the page got longer and longer, and the longer it was the longer it took for me to find the prompt I wanted to find.

Using Google Keep
In Keep you can tag your notes. The first tags I used for my prompts were "ai" and "prompt". But this was not efficient enough. So I thought of the way I organize my AI images on my hard drive: There I use categories like "landscape", "people", "surrealism", "objects" only to name a few. I decided to use the same categories for labelling my prompts in Google Keep, with one additional tag: "style". I apply this category for prompts which describe a certain style - like expressionism, or a certain artist and such. 


Creating Mockups for Your Zazzle shop

For quiet some time Zazzle is providing some Mockups together with the product you have created. However Zazzle encourages to create your own mockups, be it that you take photos with the product itself (which requires that you bought the product), or creating mockups using online mockup generators. 

Smartmockups.com is a website which offers a lot of mockups - for mugs, t-shirts, cards and a lot of other products. Say you want to create a mockup with a mug. Select "mugs" and then "free" and you get all the free mug mockups you can use.

Which Zazzle products do you want to promote via Mockup?
Creating mockups is not very difficult, but it is time consuming. So I go through my store and look for products which I think could do with a bit of promotion on the one hand. Then I go to smartmockups.com and look which products offer the most free mockups.
After that I go to the product, go to "download" and download the design. This is the file you have to upload to smartmockups.com in order to place it on a mockup.

Edit your designs on the Mockup!
You can edit the design on the mockup - enlarge it or move it. Try to make it look as similar to the real product on Zazzle as possible.

Upload the mockup image to Zazzle
I have a free account on smartmockups.com which means that the images I download from there are relatively small. It could be that Zazzle requires a bigger image. However, there are several free photo enhancers on the web. Use one of them and then try it again. 

All in all, the process of creating mockups is time consuming, especially if you are just beginning to do this. So, as I said before, focus on the products you want to promote!

And here is one of my Mockups. You will find the mug here.


AI Happy Accident

With AI Art Generators you often do not get what you asked for. But sometimes you get what you did not ask for. 

See that beautiful woman? Well, I certainly did not ask for a woman in my prompt. The prompt reads:

Unleash your creativity with abstract cubism, as you experiment with different stylistic renderings and variations, from playful and whimsical to bold and dramatic, shades of red and orange, oil painting, intricate

Well the style of the image definitely is a cubist one. We also have shades of red and oranges. And we have a portrait of a beautiful woman. Obviously Leonardo AI unleashed its creativity and thought that it had to add the portrait. By the way, I like the image!


Creating Abstract Art with AI

 I love painting abstract pieces, be it with acrylicink, marker or any other medium. So why not create abstract images with AI Generators? 

The prompt for this image, done with Mage Space AI Art Generator is:

Immerse yourself in the world of abstract expressionism, where every brushstroke is a unique expression of emotion and energy, shades of blue, oil painting

I somehow like this image very much. Blue in all of its shades is my favorite color, and I also like the way lights and darks are distributed.

However I thought it might look nice if I added some orange, the colour from the other side of the color wheel.
So I changed the prompt to:

Immerse yourself in the world of abstract expressionism, where every brushstroke is a unique expression of emotion and energy, shades of blue and orange, oil painting

As you can see the orange itself is rather dark - in a next step I could change the "orange" to "yellow orange" and see what happens.


Focussing on the here and now


I am not a buddhist. However I learnt that Christian monks and Buddhist monks have one thing in common: They have learnt to focus on the here and now. 

Christian monks for example often have to do chores (such like sweeping the floor for example), and when they do them they focus on the task. They do not think what they will do when the task is done - they are doing the task and try to do it as perfect as possible.

It is the same with Buddhist monks: They have learnt to focus on the way they breathe, on the sounds they hear and so on.

I myself try to focus on the things I am doing now - just like writing this blogpost. In the past multitasking has been a goal for many - doing several things at the same time. I learnt that the human brain is not made for multitasking, and whenever we do it, we cause stress for our brain and for our body, 



What comes to your mind when you hear the name "Spartacus"? Well, I bet that you will be thinking of the film "Spartacus" with Kirk Douglas playing the leader of the slaves who could escape the gladiator school. 

I also know this film, and I was curious to see what AI would make out of the following prompt:

comic drawing of Spartacus | fighting,| front view, monochromatic blue and black | minimalistic simple shapes | smoke ink art 

Here is the interpretation of Leonardo AI:

Well, you cannot see him fighting because of the half body format; but he looks like he's going to fight!

Now I went over to Openart AI and changed the prompt quite a lot. It now reads: 

illustration portrait of Spartacus | expressive color palette; light blue and dark orange  | flat perspective | translucent planes | bone; dignified pose; kingcore

The Spartacus I got now looks very different (apart from the different style, of course)

I may be totally wong, but to me he looks like he knows that he and his comrades will not will the war but still keeps on fighting.

And none of them looks like Kirk Douglas, by the way! 


Ideogram AI

 When I look back one year, there were not many AI Art Generators in November 2022. I learnt about Midjourney, but it was not free, and I did not like the fact that it runs on Discord. I learnt about Nightcafe Studio and I immediately loved it and got addicted to the whole field of generating images with this Art Generator. 

Now, one year later, the number of AI Art Generators is still growing. A few days ago I watched a video in which Ideogram AI was given a try, and of course I had to try it, too.

I used the following prompt:
black cat in a colorful garden, folk art style, intricate

And here is the result:

You get four images with one prompt. The images can be saved on your profile page. Ideogram is free. You are offered a variety of styles,

I used this image as "a parent" and added a style to it.

Now the prompt is:

black cat in a colorful garden, folk art style, intricate, painting.

I can only invite you to visit Ideogram and play with it!


X and the Sharing of Prompts

For a long time I haven't used Twitter - sorry: X. I now and then tweeted a blogpost or one of my Zazzle Products. I presented my AI Art pieces on Facebook on my wall and in various groups. But a few days ago i found out that there is a very active AI community on X. Often users share their prompts either in the post itself or in the ALT field of the image they uploaded.

Another way to find prompts is by using the hashtag "#promptshare". 

One example: This is a prompt I found.

the neon pink and yellow pilcrow macpie caduceus by botticelli, minimal figures --ar 4:5 --v 5.2 --s 250

Now I like to take a prompt and tweak it a bit and then see what I can get. The prompt now reads:

the neon yellow and dark blue pilcrow macpie caduceus by botticelli, minimal figures And here comes the image:


Having fun with rubberducks


Everybody has a certain image in his or her mind when somebody says "rubberduck". So why not create images which show those critters in a strange surrounding?

This image was created with Nightcafe Studio and the following prompt:

a portrait of a rubberduck swimming in the bathtub, cubism, insanely detailed

The surroundings have changed quite a lot in this image.

And here is the prompt I used with Nightcafe Studio:

a rubberduck swimming in the bathtub, cubism style, insanely detailed

As you can see, I left out "portrait" in the prompt.