
What you can do with left over paint

I use a small yoghurt container for mixing my watercolor inks. Sometimes the ink will be used up when the painting is finished. But sometimes there is still paint left. 

I painted this tree with leftover paint, a mixture of vermillion and night blue. It is not more than a quick sketch, but in doing this I practised brushstrokes with my waterbrush. In addition to this I practised my handling of adding water to the paint (I added tiny drops with a dropper).

But I did not stop here. I thought "Why not use this quick sketch as a starter image?

At first I tried Playground AI, giving the starter image a strength of 40. As you can see Playground did use the color but changed the tree somewhat. 
Playground gives you a very user friendly way of handling the starter image. You can change the strength of it gradually. 

So I tried a higher strenght, and got the image below. Here the strength is 50, and you can see that is is more similar to the painting, but still has another feel to it.

What did I learn?

1. With watercolor inks no left over paint is lost. You can still do a rough sketch with it.

2. With AI you can change this rough sketch into something worth keeping.

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