
The creepy and the funny side of Halloween

Halloween came to Germany rather late - in the 80s of the last century. Now there are a lot of Halloween parties and you can see children wearing Halloween costumes at school and Kindergarten. There is even some trick-or-treating going on, although it has stopped during the last years with Corona limiting outside activities.

However Halloween is a rich field for someone like me who creates images with AI Image Generators. I noticed that in general there are these cute and funny images and there are the creepy ones. I must say that I am personally not that much into creepy images. But I could not resist and did that one:

It has one of my drawings as a base image. It shows an aggressive looking Goblin / troll /bad creature with glowing orange eyes. 

I wasn't even thinking of Halloween when I had this creature created. I was just playing around with using my own art as starter images. 

Now, with me being an owner of a Zazzle store who has to prepare already for Halloween I thought I could use the image for a t-shirt design.

But, as I said before, I am more on the funny and cute side of Halloween. 


So here's a cute happy looking bat. Isn't he (or her,
you never know!) cute? Bats are associated with Halloween, so why not use this image as a design on my Zazzle store. Of course the background will have to be removed and the image itself enlarged. 

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