
Combining Nightcafestudio and Deep Dream Generator

Some of the results of my creation activity on Nightcafestudio are not fit to publish. However, I only throw images away when they are really, really bad. I keep some of the creations which I do not publish. 

Now, that I have reached the "Dreamer" status on Deep Dream Generator and therefore have more energy points to work with I asked myself: What would happen if I use those unpublished Nightcafe creations as base images with Deep Dream Generator?

As you can see, this image is not something you would publish. The ear of the elf on the right is far too big, and the hands are not good. (AI in fact has great difficulties with rendering hands - often they have too many fingers, or there is a third arm)

I uploaded the image above to Deep Dream Generator and used it as a base image, with the same prompt as on Nightcafestudio but adding  "watercolor and ink" to the prompt.

This certainly won't be the last experiment with Nightcafestudio and Deep Dream Generator!

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