
Two interpretations of Medusa

 I asked ChatGPT who Medusa was, and the answer is:

"Medusa was a figure in Greek mythology, known as one of the three Gorgon sisters. She possessed snakes for hair and a gaze that could turn anyone who looked at her into stone. Perseus famously slew her by using a mirrored shield to avoid her petrifying stare, and later used her severed head as a weapon."

Then I asked two AI Image Generators to create an image of Medusa. The results differed quite a lot.

This image was created with Nightcafe Studio. Without doubt the young woman has snakes in her hair, but I would not describe the look on her face as something which would turn you into stone.

Now Greek mytholody says that Medusa was a beautiful maiden till she got punished by the goddess Athene. Maybe we see her just changing into the monster.

The image on the right - created with Lexica AI - shows a bust of Medusa. She also does not resemble the monster which Greek mythology describes. In my opinion she looks like she's in pain, suffering, and her eyes are closed.

Both of the images made me think about Medusa.

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