
Changing the seed numbers in Stablecog AI

 Stablecog AI is one of the AI Art Generators I use quite often. A few days ago I watched a video about the importance of Seed numbers (the video referred to Playground AI, but the information given is valid for all AI Art Generators.). I do not want to go into detail here, I just want to give you some examples for the impact of varying the seed number.

The prompt for this image was:
dwarf holding a tulip in his hand, digital painting, cinematic photography
Seed number: 4

There is a dwarf, and he is holding a tulip in his hand. However to me the stem of the tulip does not look right, and the dwarf looks like thinking: "What is this? It looks dangerous to me!"

Instead of changing the text of the prompt I changed the Seed number from 4 to 44.

Well, the dwarf is holding a tulip in his hand and the tulip definitely looks better. The dwarf himself looks more relaxed. But there is this long tulip on the right side of the image which seems to grow out of the dwarf's back. Of course one could always think of removing that unwanted item digitally, but it would cost me a lot of time.

So I changed the seed number again, this time from 44 to 55.

And this time I was quite pleased with the result: The dwarf looks relaxed, the tulip in his hands is an eyecatcher because of the orange yellow colours, and the tulips in the foreground form some kind of a frame.

So if you are not pleased with the first results of your prompt try to change the seed number! In most cases you will get something usable out of this process!

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