
Henny the Proud Hen

Once upon a time there was a hen called Henny leading a very normal hen's life. She lived together with her fellow hens and a beautiful rooster. Unfortunately the rooster preferred hens which liked to be dominated by him, and she definitely was not that type of hen. After all, she produced the eggs which the humans needed! 

So she went her ways, picking here and there. (They could go outside if they wanted). Suddenly something shimmering caught her eye. Obviously one of the female humans had lost a necklace. It was a very nice necklace. Henny picked at it. The colours would fit her feathers very nicely. She picked at it again, caught it in her beak and threw it into the air. Could she throw it over her head? She tried it once and failed. She tried it twice and failed. She tried it a third time - and it worked! She was carrying a necklace! There was a small pond outside the chicken coop, and she went there very fast, because she was wanted to know how she looked like with that necklace on. Well, it looked not too bad. She saw the rooster running at her. "Stop it", she said, "I am the queen of hens! And I tell you whether I want you or not!"

Well, that is the story so far. I felt inspired to write it after looking at this AI image created with Nightcafe Studio more than one year ago...

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