
Some strange acrylic painting

In general I like happy colors - be it AI Art or traditional art. But sometimes my creations are developing into something different during the painting process. Obviously there is a darker side in my personality which seeks its outlet now and then.

This acrylic painting is the second painting I did in August. Due to personal reasons - first a family meeting in the South of Germany and then a bit of a nasty flue - I didn't create any more traditional paintings. I must also admit that I do not like painting with a brush when it so hot inside that you almost need a towel to soak the sweat. So let's hope for September!


The Cyborg in the Garden

 No, a cyborg is not a robot. The definition of cyborg says:

a living being whose powers are enhanced by computer implants or mechanical body parts.

Well, look what the AI Generator Freepik made out of the following prompt:
Cyborg sitting on a stone in a garden with many colorful flowers"

We definitely see a quite human looking character sitting on a stone in a garden with many flowers. By looking closer we notice that his body consists of non human parts, built together. However, look at his face! I think that his face is almost human - he looks like he is waiting for someone or something to happen. 

So what makes a human human? Or - what makes a cyborg a cyborg?


Wishing you all a wonderful week!

It has been quite a while since my last post. I spent some days away offline at a family meeting in the South of Germany, celebrating my oldest brother's 80th birthday.

Then on the way back (I was taking the train) I obviously caught some kind of flue, and I am still recovering from that.

It is not easy for me to accept that at the moment I am not able to do the things which I usually do like creating AI art, or painting. But instead of focussing on what I cannot do I am focussing on what I can do... So I created that cute panda sipping a delicious cup of tea, using Nightcafe Studio.


Watching over a strange world

I love to paint with acrylic inks. I know that these inks are either used with an airbrush or poured on a surface. I am doing none of that. I use these inks with a brush on watercolor paper in a very small format.

With this image I used a new technique (new for me!): I used glazes and washes in the last stage of the painting. Acrylic inks are highly pigmented, and so it takes quite a lot of drops of water to thin them down. I used a dark brown glaze to darken parts of the painting and a yellow glaze to lighten up the parts on which I wanted to put a focus.